From July 17 to July 21, 2023, based on the “2023 Tongji Summer School", hosted by the School of Nursing, the School of Nursing and Midwifery of the University of Birmingham was invited to offer the course "Evidence into Practice", and the School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University was invited to offer the "Gerontological Nursing" international course. It attracted more than 350 enrollment by young scholars and nurses from 32 universities in 22 countries or regions around the world, including Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, University of Würzburg, Mea Fah Luang Unversity, National University of Singapore, Queen Mary University of London, Coventry University, and others.

On the morning of July 17, "Gerontological Nursing" kicked off. Associate Professor Supreeda Monkong focused on "Family Caregiving", highlighting the background and importance as well as the types of family caregivers and their responsibilities.

Associate Professor Phichpraorn Youngcharoen presented two sessions on " Pain Management in Older Adults" and "Atypical Presentation and Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in Older Adults" respectively. She introduced pain assessment tools and cutting-edge models of pain management.

Assistant Professor Inthira Roopsawang gave a case-driven lecture on the latest nursing care for geriatric frailty and sarcopenia.

Dr. Piyawadee Thongyost focused on " Common age-related eye and ear problems in older people: nursing assessment and care management", analyzing the diagnosis and interventions for common hearing and vision problems amongst the elderly.

With the global aging population on the rise, the Gerontological Nursing course aims to improve the quality of life of the elderly by providing participants with a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the health problems of the elderly, as well as to further minimize the negative complications of geriatric diseases.

“Evidence into Practice” was co-host by Professor Anne Elizabeth Topping and Associate Professor Nutmeg Hallett. The course consists of five modules, including " The art & craft of database searching & evidence management", "Quality Assessment and Risk of Bias" and "Meta-Analysis".

The two experts guided the participants through the "flipped classroom" by utilizing the polling function of Slido and divided them into different groups to evaluate and discuss the research topics. The two professors further instructed the participants to use various search engines and databases, such as Ovid and Rayyan, to retrieve the literature, and carried out the training of quick review.

“Evidence into Practice” is intended to develop the skills of participants to engage with the healthcare research literature to distil best available evidence to underpin practice.

"2023 Tongji Summer School" is hosted by the Office of International Affairs of HUST, with a number of medical experts from our global partner institutions to give courses, covering a wide range of disciplines such as basic medicine, clinical medicine, public health, pharmacy, nursing, health management, etc. Combining world-class universities' teaching and research resources, this summer school aims to inspire global students to greater understand the medical challenges faced by the post-pandemic world, to gain deeper perspectives and awareness through a global mindset, and to enhance cross-cultural communication and interdisciplinary skills.