On May 24, 2019, School of Nursing held the 11th Nursing Technique Competition in order to celebrate the International Nurses Day. This competition was held on the 5F of School of Nursing Building. Professor Mao Jing Dean of School of Nursing, Ms. Yu Mingfeng from Nursing Department of Tongji Hospital and some other teachers from School of Nursing attended this competition.

The competition began at 7:00 pm. 10 students took part in this competition. They were divided into two groups to conduct CPR and closed venous transfusion operation.

After the competition, Ms. Yu Mingfeng made comments on competitors’ performances. She pointed out that although competitors showed insufficiency in operation, for nursing students who did not take medical internship in hospital, they really did a good job. Their good performances made the nursing career in the future full of hope.

For this competition, we have the first prize winner: Li Keyi; the second prize winner: Xie Wen; the third prize winners: Ma Ruoyun, Xiong Yingbei; honorable prize winners: Cai Yue, Zhao Ruiyi, Yu Lifang, Li Bei, Shen Muzi, Chen Wanyan.
With this, the 2019 Nursing Technique Competition was finished perfectly.